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Location: Suuremõisa küla, Vormsi vald, Läänemaa
Location: Suuremõisa küla, Vormsi vald, Läänemaa
Category: Tourism objects
Location: Suurupi küla, Harku vald, Harjumaa
The rear beacon of the Suurupi leading lights is situated 1 km from the shore on a high limestone clint on the Suurupi peninsula. The distance between the leading lights is 2,245 km. The first lighthouse was erected on the site in 1760. The beaco...
Location: Taagepera küla, Helme vald, Valgamaa
The History of Taagepera Castle goes back to the 16th century. The first wooden buildings were destroyed in different fires though and the current one originates from the year 1912. The way there runs as an alley offering protection and mystery. ...
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