The collections are housed in the Old Anatomical Theatre – built especially for the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu. As early as 1890 a museum of quality preparations and original models was set up for the purpose of teaching anatomy...
Tampere maja Guesthouse offers accommodation in 6 cosy rooms. Every rooma has WC and shower, bigger rooms have a kitchenette, a computer with WiFi. We rent out sauna and the cellar room for meetings and parties. Reception is open 8-20 every day.
Location: Ülikooli 18, Tartu linn, Tartumaa, 50090
The University of Tartu Art Museum is one of the oldest museum in Estonia being founded in 1803. The Museum was established in the University in order to illustrate lectures and develop the students' taste for art.
The Museum as founded by its first ...