Tamme resting house is located in Võru county, Rõuge commune, 20 km from Võru.
We have hot sauna with cozy fireplace room and kitchen corner.
After vapous you can swim in a pond, situated next to the sauna. The guests have a bedroom for 6 persons, under their command at the second floor of the sauna (there is opportunity for extra sleepers) and a summerroom, for 4 persons, in a camping house situated in the yard.
Big lawn fields around the buildings can hold a lot of people who want to camp. For bigger undertakeings (weddings, conferences, birtdays etc) we can ofter a 100-seates grilling house.
More active holiday-makers have the opportunity to grill or smoke the fish or meat, play different ballgames, swing, to raft on the pond or lend bicycles and visit the local sightseeings.
Location: Kõverjärve Talu, Kõvera küla, Võru vald, Võrumaa, 64101
Kõverjärve Farm is located in South-East of Estonia, near the border of Setomaa. The house is surrounded by beautiful nature and has breathtaking views on the lake Kõverjärve. There are kitchen, sauna, WC, fireplace and three rooms in the house. O...
Location: Uue-Antsla küla, Antsla vald, Võrumaa, 66501
The Witch Land in Uhtjärve Medieval Valley is an attractive tourist farm which offers accommodation in different types of houses, sporty activities and entertainment.