Tamme resting house is located in Võru county, Rõuge commune, 20 km from Võru.
We have hot sauna with cozy fireplace room and kitchen corner.
After vapous you can swim in a pond, situated next to the sauna. The guests have a bedroom for 6 ...
Location: Rõsna küla, Setomaa vald, Võrumaa, 64312
Enjoy cosy lake-side vacation in Rõsna village in Setomaa.
Accommodation in camping houses and two guest houses. You can have a family vacation here and organize summer days, seminars and other events.
Outdoor kitch...
The Hotell is located at Lake Tamula, couple of hundred meters from city centre. The Hotel is capable of accommodating 48 people. The rooms are spacious (17-26 square meters), with a view at the picturesque Lake Tamula and the surrounding South Estonia ...