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Location: Rõuge alevik, Rõuge vald, Võrumaa
This beautiful church in a scenic setting was built in 1730 to the place of the old church which was destroyed in the Great Northern War. Massive restoration of the church took place in 1860. The church has a spacious nave with a mirror ceiling. The alt...
Location: Tamme 4, Väike-Maarja alevik, Väike-Maarja vald, Lääne-Virumaa, 46202
How was the village called before is unknown but the church built here in 1346 to replace a wooden chapel that stood here before shared its name with the village. Due to the neighbouring village Ambla had its church dedicated to Mary too, the new ...
Location: Kivi-Vigala küla, Vigala vald, Raplamaa
This late medieval church by the beautiful river of Enge has a well-cared-for churchyard and a baroque altar and pulpit (Christian Ackermann). The church was rebuilt in the 19th century. The belfry, which is a unique monument to the heroes of the Estoni...
Category: Churches
Location: Kursi küla, Puurmani vald, Jõgevamaa
The plan was that the church will be built at the river bank in Tõrve village but all the work done in the day time was ravaged apart in the night. A dream was shown to the building master: a sifter-full of river water must be taken from Tõrve ...
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Harjumaa, Tallinn, Kesklinna
Lääne-Virumaa, Vihula vald, Käsmu küla

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