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Adavere manor

Category Manor houses, Castles, Tourism objects
Tallinna maantee 3, Adavere alevik, Põltsamaa vald, Jõgevamaa, 48001
Coordinates 58.708611, 25.899166
GPS: 58° 42' 31" N, 25° 53' 57" E

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See also

Category: Tourism objects
Location: Elistvere küla, Tabivere vald, Jõgevamaa
Elistvere Animal Park's original purpose was to be the refuge for wild animals that were wounded or animal babies that had lost their parents. By now off-springs of the first orphans and wounded ones live there. The park offers a rare possibili...
Category: Museums
Location: Köstri allee 3, Jõgevamaa, 49226
Main building An overview of the school life of Estonian farmers’ children in the 19th century through the book Kevade (Spring) is displayed in the large exhibition hall of the main building. The story written by Palamuse-born writer Oskar Luts ...
Category: Tourism objects
Location: Adavere tuulik, Kalme küla, Põltsamaa vald, Jõgevamaa, 48031

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