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Vacation in Estonia - Partners


Café A. Pushkin

Category Dining, Free time, Catering, organizing of parties and entertainments, Cafes,bars, National Cuisins, Theatres
Narva mnt 36, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10152
Coordinates 59.438259, 24.771572
GPS: 59° 26' 18" N, 24° 46' 18" E
Phone (+372) 631 3636

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See also

Category: Free time
Location: Pühavaimu 13/15, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa
Suite Lounge – a classy afternoon in the House of Lords and a wide selection of cigars and spirtis   Ringed by massive stone walls, the Suite Lounge has an inviting atmosphere that makes it the perfect place to while away an afternoon...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Väikevälja tee, Nõmmeveski küla, Kuusalu vald, Harjumaa, 74815
Category: Free time
Location: Toompuiestee 37, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10149
The Exhibition " Back in Time. Life in Soviet Estonia" takes us back to a period that seems unbelievable today. Could you imagine not having chewing gum or that eating a banana was a distant dream? How about not having toilet paper or...

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