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Location: Mõisavahe tee 10, Koigi küla, Koigi vald, Järvamaa, 72501
The estate owner of the manor, Otto Magnus von Grünewaldt was one of the firsts in Estonia to put corvee behind and hired the peasants instead. It was in 1825. The manor is established in 1757 but the village around was first mentioned already dur...
Location: Kolga alevik, Kuusalu vald, Harjumaa
Kolga Manor received its present-day appearance in the 1820s when the previous building was reconstructed in the High-Classicist style. A protrusive middle part and side parts, all of them three storeys high, were added to the façade of the building. Th...
Location: Kõljala küla, Pihtla vald, Saaremaa
The estate was first mentioned in 1509 but the oldest part of the main building, the cellar, dates back to the 17th century, to the time it belonged to a O. von Poll who’s lifestyle was lavish even among the nobility. The mansion itself was a humb...
Category: Museums
Location: Kolkja alevik, Peipsiääre vald, Tartumaa
You can see the traditional clothes, everyday items, handicrafts, tools, photos, books and many other items associated with the Old Believers. Interesting facts: - the Russian Old Believers (starovery) have been following their religious tradition...
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