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Tourist Attractions & Sightseeing

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Location: Lai 7, Järva-Jaani alev, Järva-Jaani vald, Järvamaa, 73301
Called into being to honor the vehicles that served us during the Soviet time the shelter exhibits the production from all over the Soviet Union plus some other friendly countries. Even such fine equipment as a grader is observable! The entrance i...
Location: Linnuse tee 1, Lihula linn, Läänemaa, 90303
Lihula was appointed in 1211 by Riga archbishop Albert to be the centre of Estonia's bishopric. Instead of ancient Estonians stronghold that was on the hill a new stone stronghold was built in 1238. The owners of the stronghold were Danes, Swedes, Germa...
Category: Tourism objects
Location: Hullo küla, Vormsi vald, Läänemaa
  Vormsi is located between Hiiumaa Island and the mainland. Covering 93 square kilometers it’s Estonia`s fourth largest island. Vormsi’s coastal Swedish history is witnessed by the St Olav’s church and wheel-crosses in the Cemete...
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