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Location: Raikküla mõis, Raikküla, Raikküla vald, Raplamaa, 78402
The manor, which has first been mentioned in 1469, was associated with the von Staals, the Kankrins and the von Keyserlings. The luxurious High-Classicist main building was completed on the foundation of a former building in 1820. After a fire in 1960, ...
Location: Rannu alevik, Rannu vald, Tartumaa
Established in the 13th century by the Dolen family originating from the Livonians, a nation now extinct, it was a home for Barbara von Tiesenhausen who's tragic love story has inspired at least three Estonian authors. In the park there is a memorial fo...
Location: Riisipere alevik, Nissi vald, Harjumaa
The centre of the manor, which had first been mentioned in 1394, was moved to Uue-Riisipere during the period of the von Stackelbergs at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1821, one of Estonia’s most luxurious classicists main buildings was completed...
Location: Haanja vald, Võrumaa
  The castle-like Rogosi manor was established around 1600 by Stanislaw Rogosinsky. Later, the manor belonged to the von Glasenapps for a long period of time. The later Baroque main building originates from the end of the 18th century (today ...
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