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Location: Pepleri 32, Tartu linn, Tartumaa, 51010
A wooden house of unknown age stood at the estate in the 19th century but was replaced by the current one in the beginning of the next century. Nearby there is the memorial, the Broken Cornflower, honoring the victims of Stalinism, and the house the for...
Location: Ülikooli 21, Tartu linn, Tartumaa, 51007
The dwelling at Ülikooli 21 is built in 1778. The initiator of the Estonian national epos Kalevipoeg lived there from 1838. It belongs to the ensemble of Tartu University. In front of the neighbouring dwelling at Ülikooli 20 there is a monument for the ...
Location: Gildi 1 , Tartu linn, Tartumaa, 50095
After a fire in 1775 a one-storied stone building was erected right close to the Tartu University. The building was advanced higher through the years. The fraternity Filiae Patriae inhabited the house for a while. It passed down to the newspape...
Category: Churches
Location: Suur-Kloostri tn 14, Tallinn, Harjumaa
The church was first built in the 13th century. The medieval Cistercian St Michael´s Abbey was rebuilt as the Transfiguration church in 1732. A valuable Baroque iconostasis dates back to 1720, the grave monument of the holy martyr Bishop St Platon was c...
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