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Location: Haanja vald, Võrumaa
The Kunder’ Stone (a boulder) lies on the slope of the Suur Munamäe hill in Haanja nature park. The average height of the stone is 1,1 meters and it was named by Estoinan poet Juhan Kunder (1852-1888). The Kunder’ Stone is one of the five boulders that ...
Location: Pühajärve küla, Otepää vald, Valgamaa
Pühajärv meaning the Holy Lake is one of the most beautiful ones in Estonia. One of the fountains at its shore, manage you drink its water from a silver cup in the Midsummer Night, brings you eternal love. The lake is blessed by His Holiness XIV ...
Location: Rõuge alevik, Rõuge vald, Võrumaa
The lake Suurjärv in Rõuge lies in the deep Rõuge primeval valley and is part of the chain of lakes in Rõuge. South-east of Suurjärv, in the same primeval valley, lie lakes such as Liinjärv and Valgjärv; to the north-east are Kaussjärv, Ratasjärv, Tõugj...
Location: Viljandimaa
Being both mysterious and majestic, Võrtsjärv has always fascinated writers and poets. From as early as the 18th century, scientists have studied lake-life in Võrtsjärv and abundant fish resources are the means of subsistence for locals. Centuries have ...
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