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Firefighting Museum in Järva-Jaani

Category Museums, Tourism objects
Pikk 50, Järva-Jaani alev, Järva-Jaani vald, Järvamaa, 73301
Coordinates 59.034630, 25.878096
GPS: 59° 2' 5" N, 25° 52' 41" E
Phone (+372) 514 9485
Mobile (+372) 515 3638
Website http://www.jjts.ee/muuseum.php

On the walls of the former firehouse there are drying fire hoses of different times and
different means. A maquette of a house of two floors shows you the 27 ways of how a
fire could start. Probably the most mysterious firefighting flag is there as well – it was
missing for 44 years. The museum will be opened if given an advanced notice.

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See also

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