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Botanical Garden of the University of Tartu

Category Free time
Vanemuise 46, Tartu linn, Tartumaa, 51014
Coordinates 58.373283, 26.717119
GPS: 58° 22' 24" N, 26° 43' 2" E
Phone (+372) 737 6076
E-mail loodusmuuseum@ut.ee
Website http://www.natmuseum.ut.ee/

At the Botanical Garden of the University of Tartu, visitors can go for a walk, relax in a rotunda in the middle of a pond, and children can use our playground. You can also explore local and exotic plants in the garden. In the greenhouses, you can take a look at plants from rain forests and deserts.


The Botanical Garden of the University of Tartu was founded in 1803. The garden was designed under the supervision of world-famous botanists, Prof. Ledebour and Prof. Bunge.


The greenhouses are open all year long every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visitors must buy a ticket. The garden is open from 7 a.m .to 9 p.m. from 15 April until 15 October. From 16 October until 14 April, we are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Visitors do not have to buy a ticket.

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See also

Category: Free time
Location: Hellenurme küla, Elva vald, Tartumaa, 67514
Category: Free time
Location: Jaani tn 7, Tartu linn, Tartumaa, 51007
Category: Free time
Location: Tartumaa
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