The people of Rakvere and the guests of the city have long awaited for a grill restaurant which focuses on meat and fish dishes made from Estonian raw materials. The dishes are made in a coal-fired oven in the restaurant.
Sarvik has a unique coal-fired oven – it is a modern, technological combination of a grill and an oven. The coal-fired oven makes it possible to prepare fresh grilled dishes in a professional kitchen, right under the guests' eyes.
Location: Kohala küla, Rakvere vald, Lääne-Virumaa, 44215
A Manor house in Lääne-Virumaa, on the banks of Kunda River, in a picturesque place, in the middle of an English-style park.
In the year 1996 OÜ Kreenika took over ownership of the building. Now a day here is a hotel with 13 rooms for...
Location: Pikk 3, Rakvere linn, Lääne-Virumaa, 44307
Katariina Guesthouse is a small and comfortable guesthouse in Pikk Street, the oldest street in Rakvere, close by are the theatre and the old castle, also it is just five minutes away from the town centre.
The cozy guesthouse has all ...
Location: Sagadi küla, Haljala vald, Lääne-Virumaa, 45403
Sagadi is located in Lahemaa National Park, only an hour’s drive from Tallinn. The location has access to nature paths, the seashore, picturesque villages and other manors.
Sagadi has been welcoming guests for centuries. To this day, people like to c...