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Ammende Villa Hotel and restaurant

Category Accommodation, Dining, Hotels, Accommodation Packages, Catering, organizing of parties and entertainments, Cafes,bars, Restaurants, Saunas
Mere pst. 7, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80010
Coordinates 58.380516, 24.491936
GPS: 58° 22' 50" N, 24° 29' 31" E
Phone (+372) 447 3888
E-mail sale@ammende.ee

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See also

Location: Aida 7, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80010
Shopping Centre Pärnu Keskus is a contemporary shopping centre at the heart of Pärnu. In addition to the wide selection of fashion and recreational goods, the centre holds the only contemporary cinema in Pärnu, a good selection of eating places and food...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Karusselli 2A, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80014
Category: Accommodation
Location: Lemsi küla, Kihnu vald, Pärnumaa, 88002
Rock City in Kihnu providing accommodation in summer has received its name after the last ship of Kihnu Jõnn, a famous sea captain of the island of Kihnu. The ship wrecked on the coast of Denmark in 1913. For a long time now this legendary holiday house...

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