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Laulasmaa Spa

Category Accommodation, Dining, Free time, Hotels, Accommodation Packages, Recreation Centers, SPA- vacation, Rehabilitation centres, Sanatoriums, rehabilitation treatment, Dayspa, Beauty salons, Massage, Cafes,bars, Restaurants, Saunas, Swimming pools, Water centers, Active tourism
Puhkekodu 4, Laulasmaa küla, Lääne-Harju vald, Harjumaa, 76702
Coordinates 59.374336, 24.237013
GPS: 59° 22' 28" N, 24° 14' 13" E
Phone (+372) 687 0800
E-mail info@laulasmaa.ee

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See also

Location: Kotzebue 16, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10411
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