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Hommiku Hostel & Guest House

Category Accommodation, Hotels, Guesthouses
Hommiku 17, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80010
Coordinates 58.384678, 24.502647
GPS: 58° 23' 5" N, 24° 30' 10" E
Phone (+372) 445 1122
E-mail admin@hommikuhostel.ee

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See also

Category: Accommodation
Location: Lindi küla, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 88302
Sarnakõrtsi Guesthouse in Pärnu county, Estonia invites you to relax in a peaceful environment near the sea.   In your service is a separate house with two bedrooms (5 beds, additional beds are possible), a lounge and a kitchen. In anot...
Category: Accommodation
Location: A.H. Tammsaare pst. 4a/6, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80010
Estonia Spa Hotels opened a new 4* hotel ESTONIA Resort Hotel & Spa with a whole new concept in July 2015 in Pärnu. The new hotel is inspired by Estonian nature, cultural traditions and handicraft.   The hotel has a total of 106 gue...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Pivarootsi mõisa talu, Pivarootsi küla, Lääneranna vald, Pärnumaa, 90126
Strolling through the junipers and pines or wandering across the large meadows and grasslands, you will find a cozy house that is about 170 years old. Also the sea, which late on warm summer nights, invites you to stroll along the shore or row across th...

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