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Location: Sutlepa küla / Sutlep, Noarootsi vald, Läänemaa
Category: Sculptures
Location: Abaja tn, Kuressaare linn, Saaremaa
Location: Kõõru küla, Kihelkonna vald, Saaremaa
Most of the boulders in Saaremaa are from the bottom of the Baltic Sea or from Finland. Ice left them here. The greatest them have a legend of course suggesting a different origin. The Heater Stones for example are told to have spilt from a giant woman'...
Category: Tourism objects
Location: Suurupi küla, Harku vald, Harjumaa
The rear beacon of the Suurupi leading lights is situated 1 km from the shore on a high limestone clint on the Suurupi peninsula. The distance between the leading lights is 2,245 km. The first lighthouse was erected on the site in 1760. The beaco...
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