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Primalend Holiday Centre

Category Accommodation, Free time, Family Hotel, Camping sites, Campsites for tents, Recreation farms, Catering, organizing of parties and entertainments, Saunas, Active tourism, Guesthouses
Jõe, Loone küla, Kohila vald, Raplamaa, 79831
Coordinates 59.149166, 24.779444
GPS: 59° 8' 57" N, 24° 46' 46" E
Mobile (+372) 509 8659
E-mail primalend@hot.ee

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Category: Dining
Location: Hariduse 3, Rapla linn, Raplamaa, 79513
Marju Cafe offers:   meals by the recipes of our great-grandmothers cakes and pies baked on spot all products are free of harmful additives only natural raw materials are used mushrooms and berries are freshly pi...
Category: Active tourism
Location: Loodna küla, Märjamaa vald, Raplamaa, 78113
In all our family has 16 horses in different age and breed. Mostly we have estonian horses, sport ponies and horses for riding and breeding. Annually borns 2 foals. Our oldest horse is Vigri. She is 32 years old. With our horses lives here more 15 horse...
Location: Muuseumi 1, Juuru alevik, Rapla vald, Raplamaa, 79407
The first room of the museum’s permanent exposition gives us an imagination of the Estonian peasant’s life in the 19th century through old tools, necessaries of life, and photographic enlargements.   Through the low door of a farmhouse ...

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