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Location: Lai 50, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10133
Once upon a time, from 1549 to 1625 to be precise, this 14th century Gothic church was the tallest building in the World. But it’s gigantic, 159-metre spire, meant as a signpost for approaching ships, also turned out to be a very effective lightning rod...
Location: Pühavaimu 2, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10123
Just off Town Hall Square stands a radiant, white church with an octagonal tower. This is the 14th-century Holy Spirit Church, a spectacular structure both inside and out. The elaborate painted clock on its façade is Tallinn's oldest public timepi...
Category: Churches
Location: Juuru alevik, Juuru vald, Raplamaa
Location: Kolkja alevik, Peipsiääre vald, Tartumaa
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