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Location: H. Rebase tee 1, Järva vald, Järvamaa, 72401
The emphasis on the development of dairying in Estonia increased considerably in the second half of the 19th century. It was decided to record the history of dairying in Estonia for future generations because both manufacturing and processing of milk ha...
Location: Raua 2, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10142
The museum is located in the city centre – in the firefighters building which is known as the Estonian manifest of limestone architecture and was built in 1937 after H Johanson`s project. The building comprises an extraordinary 32 m high drying tower fo...
Category: Free time
Location: Lai tn 1 / Nunne tn 4, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa, 10133
The Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences  (ETYA, formerly Estonian State Puppet Theatre, Estonian Puppet and Youth Theatre, and SA NUKU) is a theatre intended for young audiences. It shapes young people’s cultural space, expands their senses, refl...
Category: Free time
Location: Tüviste Vastse-Roosa, Rõuge vald, Võrumaa, 66103
The film " Truth and Justice" was filmed here in 2017–2018. All buildings and facilities were originally built for the film only, but the complex turned out to be so unique and cosy that it was turned into a visitor centre. At the ce...
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