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Vacation in Estonia - Partners


Põnka Puhketalu

Category Accommodation
Rätsepa küla, Tori vald, Pärnumaa, 86816
Coordinates 58.479179, 24.922012
GPS: 58° 28' 45" N, 24° 55' 19" E
Phone (+372) 522 6909
Mobile (+372) 517 8288
E-mail info@ponkaland.com

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See also

Category: Accommodation
Location: Vee 21, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80014
Image of the Green Villa has been formed within six years – this is a fine place for families on holiday, tourists, incognito travellers, and businessmen of different levels. The Green Villa is very cosy, it provides the guests with the comfort they are...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Randivälja küla, Tori vald, Pärnumaa, 86814
Comfortable accommodation in naturally beautiful environment. Working with local business operators and hiking organisers we can offer active interludes for traditional seminars: canoeing, horse-riding, excursions in Tori and Soomaa, sauna fun, hikes in...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Paatsalu küla, Lääneranna vald, Pärnumaa, 88204

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Tourist Attractions

Saaremaa, Mustjala vald, Tagaranna küla
Tartumaa, Nõo vald, Nõo alevik

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