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Aia 18 A Külaliskorter

Category Accommodation, Hostels, Family Hotel, Tourist buses, ordering, Guesthouses
Aia tn 18a, Valga linn, Valga vald, Valgamaa, 68205
Coordinates 58.843582, 26.945490
GPS: 58° 50' 37" N, 26° 56' 44" E
Phone (+372) 514 7287
Mobile (+372) 555 61085
E-mail petersilvi@hot.ee

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See also

Category: Accommodation
Location: Jeti küla, Tõrva vald, Valgamaa, 68513
Category: Accommodation
Location: Lille 6B, Otepää linn, Valgamaa, 67404
Hotel Lille is located in the centre of Otepää in a street of the same name. The hotel is a great place of accommodation for both business tourists and active people. The exercise tracks of Tehvandi Sport Centre are just a short walk away and the bars a...
Category: Accommodation
Location: Karja 6, Tõrva linn, Valgamaa, 68606
De Tolly is the shortened version of the famous Russian general Barclay de Tolly’s name. We have chosen his name because of the fact that Barclay de Tolly is the most famous person connected with this countryside, an internationally known historic figur...

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