Location: Tammsaare pst 4a, Pärnu linn, Pärnumaa, 80010
There have been different times during long and eventful life of Pärnu health resort, which has also affected on Estonia SPA career.
Today Estonia Medical SPA Hotel has become one of Estonia's biggest health centre with 500 lodging places. ...
There is a cosy place for your accommodation in the midst of South Estonian lakes and pinewoods - the Kubija Hotel & Nature Spa. It is ideal for vacations spent with your family or friends.
Kubija Hotel & Nature Spa is a...
Location: Pühajärve küla, Otepää vald, Valgamaa, 67414
There are 86 double rooms with all conveniences included and 12 suites in the hotel.
Last seven suites are equipped with sauna and full wall-panorama window, where the unforgettable view opens to the Lake Pühajärv.